Born in Bydgoszcz, Poland (1993). 
Graduate of Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (2017).
By 2016 - 2019 resident of Colony of Artists in Gdańsk.
Currently lives and works in Poznań, Poland.Passionate cyclist, yogi and rock climber.

Selected solo shows

I speak when I must, curated by Karolina Rybka, Municipal Gallery bwa in Bydgoszcz, 2024
Hasteful retreat, State Art Gallery, Sopot, 2022
Plain field, curated by Krzysztof Mętel and Mateusz Piestrak, Pani Domu, Poznań, 2022
mal, curated by Magdalena Pela, WL4, Gdańsk, 2018
Painters toolkit, curated by Karolina Pikosz, Bydgoszcz Municipal Gallery, 2018
Lasst du dich überraschen, curated by Agata Nowosielska, Galeria Żak, Gdańsk, 2018
One thinks that painting is somewhat facile or old-fashioned, curated by Sylwester Gałuszka,  Colony of Artists (Dolne Miasto), Gdańsk, 2017

Selected group shows

Final exam, curated by Małgorzata Widomska, Death of Man, Warsaw, 2024
Plasticity, Inne Towarzystwo, Warsaw, 2023
Survival Art Review, Fundacja Art Transparent, Popowice Depot, Wrocław, 2023
Bad Romance, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, curated by Marta Antoniak and Tomasz Baran, 2023
6th edition of Gdańsk Biennale of Art, Municipal Gallery in Gdańsk, 2021
Exhibition of the 13th Geppert competition, BWA Wrocław, 2020
A3, curated by Zuzanna Leśniak, Ewa Staśkiewicz, TuBaza, Gdynia, May 2019
Acquisitions, Galeria Kantorek, Bydgoszcz, 2019
Very well, curated by Sylwester Gałuszka, artists: Yui Akiyama, Paulina Jackowska, Tomasz   Kaczyński, Edyta Kowalewska, Alicja Kubicka, Jakub Zając; Colony of Artists (Dolne Miasto), Gdańsk, 2019
Communication with everything that is, curated by Yui Akiyama, Cyryl Polaczek, Stefan  Gierowski Foundation, Warsaw, 2018
Record completed, curated by Andrzej Karmasz, Marcin Zawicki, Armory of Art, Gdańsk, 2018
The Esteemed Graduates of Polish Academies of Fine Arts competition, Armory od Art, Gdańsk, 2017
close/far, curated by Maria Sasin, Gdańsk Municipal Gallery, 2016
Awards / other achievements
- laureate of the 3rd Triennale of Pomeranian Art in the category of painting, State Gallery of Art in Sopot, 2019
- winner of Grand Prix of PMS Świeża Krew competition, Galeria Socato, Wrocław, 2017
- representative of Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk at the 9th edition of The Esteemed Graduates of Polish Academies of Fine Arts competition, Armory od Art, Gdańsk, 2017